Thursday, March 13, 2008

Beautiful Mornings and Days...

It's been my habit for a time, to keep my camera always in my bag... just in case of an 'emergency'... The emergency of a beautiful day... last few days, I was really in a shooting spree, mornings' clouds were beauty plus the beauty of the spring in campus... My hard disk space in laptop is reducing day by day with the photographs...

Check the best of the shots in this week....

The most famous during the season, the one infront of our science complex...

Always the blue and yellow is a good combination...

Looking up the sky...


It's floral carpet under every tree...

A better carpet...

An yellow fenced road...

Even the bushes here are yellow...

And my fav activity... Shooting the sky...

One of my favorites...

It's the sun, in his mid day fury...

It says, summer is not far away...